March • President's Message: St. Patty’s Day is Nearly Upon Us!

March 2017 President's Message:
Greetings ILCC Members and Indian Lake residents! As you’re reading this, St. Patty’s Day is nearly upon us! In the past, as part of the Men’s Club, I ran many a St. Patty’s Day Parties at the clubhouse. Ah … there were some great parties! While we don’t have the party from years past, we do have a Fun Friday hosted by the Women’s Club with a St. Patty’s theme. Be sure to swing by the clubhouse on the 10th to help you get in the Irish spirit! Indian Lake is an amazing place and the events are just a piece of the magic. Look outside, maybe you’ll see a Bald Eagle (like Chip Reichhard did, photo to the right) or at least our resident Blue Heron, go fishing and hook a Bass or one of those great Trout, jump in a kayak or walk around the lake for some exercise. Membership and even simple residency has it's privileges. Whatever you do … the fact is you do so because we have a community like no other.
Membership sign up time is approaching and we all have a choice. I look forward to continuing to see our membership base grow and more non-members paying their fair share upkeep. Make a good choice … you know how fond I am of this lake, and I have no desire to let it slip into the dire straits that nearby lakes are experiencing. I am happy to say that our dam engineer has informed us that he will be completing his evaluation and repair plan of the Indian Spring Spillway in the next couple months. This mean we'll be getting closer to putting this project behind us. Lastly, I’ve ask for ideas and feedback from each of you via and thus far I’ve received a few compliments, which I truly appreciate. However, I have yet to get any new ideas. Don’t be shy. While I can’t guarantee that we can do it all, I can assure you that anything you send me will be considered. Thank you for your time and attention. Have a wonderful March! Slainte!
Mike Gavin ILCC President