Indian Lake’s 3 Great Beaches to Open Soon!
Members! We are planning on opening our beaches on June 20th as scheduled! Opening for the 2020 season is great news – nevertheless, there will be some restrictions.
In collaboration with our HUB Lake Partners, we’re doing our best to plan and communicate a consistent message. We are also working with the Denville’s Health Inspector to ensure we comply with all regulations. As we continue to coordinate our efforts for a smooth season opening on the 20th, we ask you to speak with your family members and remind everyone how important it will be to follow rules and guidelines – that goes for everyone, adults and kids. Families and households can “cluster together”, but friends and neighbors still need to distance themselves 6 feet apart.

There’s still much to do in preparation for an enjoyable beach season, and that includes moving 4 huge truckloads of sand! Work Weekend, although a bit different from previous years, it’s as important as always get our ILCC properties ready. Watch for announcements and please volunteer as best as you can – this event too, will be organized not only to “get work done” but also to keep everyone safe, social distancing guidelines will be followed.
We will be checking badges, ensuring social distancing, both on the beach and in the lake, are followed. Extra cleaning, trash removal and raking will be addressed. Please understand, beach capacity will be reduced, we ask that everyone behave neighborly – again, we’re all in this together!
Please Note: Sadly, in accordance with the most recent NJ Executive Order, the following ILCC areas will remain closed (to reduce the risk of close contact, groups and gatherings):
Children’s playgrounds on the Clubhouse and Franklin Road ( aka Baby) Beaches Basketball court and Horseshoe pits
Whether across the lake or at a distance of 6 feet – we all look forward to enjoying what Indian Lake has to offer!
On behalf of the Indian Lake Board of Trustees