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It's Membership Renewal Time! Work Weekend Needs You!

Hello ILCC Members:

As I write this message we are two weeks away from the start of Spring! By the time this gets to you, Spring will officially have begun! Here’s to hoping we are done with snow and can now move on to sprucing up the lake and getting it ready for another great Summer season. Unfortunately, Joe McGavin was unable to run the Ice Regatta this year, but let’s hope the weather cooperates next winter and we can once again have this great event. It is truly something that needs to be experienced first-hand.

Speaking of sprucing up the lake, Property Trustee Greg Kraft is beginning his preparations for Work Weekend, and as always, we will be counting on volunteers to come down and donate a few hours to help us get the lake properties ready for the start of summer. This is a very important weekend for all of us, and any time you can donate to the cause is greatly appreciated. Even if it is just an hour or two- every minute is hugely appreciated and massively helpful. Keep an eye out for the May Crier and look for some timely emails with all the details.

Membership sign-up time is May 1st and the application is included in this Crier (it is also

available online at While I realize most of you know this, I must remind you that in order to take part in Sub-Clubs, Sports or access club properties you must be a current member. As we all know, only ILCC members can access club property, and it is up to each of us to protect our membership interests. If you see a trespasser, please say something, or if you are uncomfortable doing so, please tell our security detail, or call the police. It is your right as a member.

I look forward to hearing your ideas and feedback, so please feel free to email me at I also look forward to seeing you all around the lake!

Bob Covello ILCC President

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