October • A Thank You From Our ILCC President, Mike Gavin

Hello Indian Lake!
Well, I thought last month was my last Crier. If it was April I could say I fooled you, but that’s not the case. Due to a need to get the Crier out earlier, I’m on the hook one last time before a new President is elected. This month I don’t have much to cover and I’m sure some of you appreciate that after last month’s message.
We’ve decided to move the Annual Meeting to October 5th at 8PM. This moves us closer to a true fiscal year report. This meeting is a great opportunity to understand where we stand as a club, what we did in 2017 and what we plan to tackle in 2018. As I depart the Presidency, I am excited about how well we are positioned as a lake, and the scope of opportunity to grow our membership.
Last September was a great month! We had another incredible Margaritaville; Mr. Lovejoy brought their A game and shook the clubhouse! A great time was had by all. Thank you to all who helped out. Special thanks to Laura Hoffman for putting a great event together!
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President.
Mike Gavin
ILCC President