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February • Ice Regatta 2018 & Skating Safety

February 2018 - President's Message:

Greetings ILCC Members and Indian Lake Residents!

As I’m writing this February Crier message to you, it is without question brutally cold which means the likelihood of an Ice Regatta in 2018 is very high! As a reminder to the newer members of the lake, the Regatta brings members together for fun, good natured competition and an opportunity to get outside and enjoy Indian Lake’s version of a winter fest and it’s for all ages. Alas, it’s up to Mother Nature. This event is totally dependent on having strong enough ice, so it’s not always possible to pull one off. This year I like our odds. Either way, kudos will be due to Past ILCC President Joe McGavin, who graciously organizes and runs the event for the Trustees, and to everyone who will have assisted and / or participated that day! Thank you Beth Hutnik-Tecchio for posting these photos on Facebook - the last Ice Regatta in 2015!

This is also a particularly appropriate time to remind all members that Indian Lake is man-made with water continuously moving under the ice, and that movement can affect the thickness of the ice in different areas of the lake. One area may have very thick ice and be perfectly safe for skating while another area not far away may not be as thick or as safe. This is why it is particularly risky to skate after dark and you should always stick to areas you have determined are thick enough and never skate alone. Keep in mind that it is impossible for the Board of Trustees to say that areas of the lake are always safe for skating which is why our policy is that members are always welcome to skate on our lake, but they do so at their own risk! We also have a strict policy against drilling into the ice, doing so makes it even more dangerous to venture on the ice. Ice fishing is not permitted on any portion of Indian Lake! The Board also maintains a policy that no form of mechanized devices, such as ice boats, snowmobiles, etc, are ever allowed on our lake! It’s just too small for such devices to mix safely with skaters. So, I encourage all ILCC members to enjoy Indian Lake at her winter’s best, but please make sure you do so with caution and common sense.

For those interested in an update on the Indian Spring Pond and Spillway, I’ve been in contact with two construction companies and reached out to a third. Over the next two months I anticipate receiving and evaluating bids with the ILCC Board. We hope to complete the work in early spring. I’m sure many of you are also wondering if there are any new developments regarding the clubhouse. At this time, our next steps are pending modifications to the architectural renderings. I hope to share updates in a couple months.

Last, thank you to the Trustees, Sub-Clubs and Members for making 2017 great! I look forward to an even better 2018 as we strengthen the Club to new levels. As I’ve done before I encourage you to share your thoughts with me directly at I also encourage you to be an active member and volunteer to get the most out of Indian Lake.

Kind regards,

Mike Gavin

ILCC President

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